On friday night I left Jacob and Eloise with Kath and Kevin and I headed off into a storm to play at Pogs in Fuengirola. The music at Pogs is very music orientated around covers and giving the audience what they want rather than any form of art. This always makes me slightly nervous as I would prefer to play my music rather someone else's but what the hell I was about to be paid and that always helps me get through a tough gig.
Pogs is a veyr nice place and Feungirola is growing on me. There are lots of English but hey thats ok too... its just a veyr strange place Andalucia, especially along the coast. When I got to the venue there were a good amount of poeple in the bar, they were expecting something I am just not sure they were expecting me. I felt the 1st set went well and then I struggled with the second set. The one and only time I really got into the hearts and minds of the audience was when I played the Irish Folk song 'The Wild Rover', and then the foot tapping change to nod heading and the crowd started to sing along with me.
I believe to make it work down on the cost I really need to have a band behind me, to play the majority of my set as covers and then to add my original music very gently,this way I can build a fan base over a period of time, and get things moving. However this is the only way as people really want to hear what they want to hear on the coast and nothing more.
There are also some musicians down here. Micheal is the big up and coming keyboard player, and he is not only a very talented musician he is also a bloody nice guy. I have also been recently introduced to a new guy called Carl who comes heavily recommended however I am yet to sit down and have a decent chat with him. These guys all play the game and play it very well, my angle is and always has been very different, however I can learn loads from these boys and hopefully have some fun along the way.
Ok this picture is a picture of the brilliant Stuffy and the Fuses, although I have always prefered to call them Stuffy and the Losers. Steve Gilchrist is the leader of the band and reminds me of the late Frank Zappa, the last time I knew Steve his was session drum for Graham Coxon. Jon Clayton is the bass player, Jon is also a producer and runs onecat studio in london, I have worked with Jon quite a lot throughout the years. Then we have Lucy on Keys and Jen (aka onekitten) and my girlfriend on electric guitar and general tour hussie.
Anyay Jon and Steve have agreed to work with me when I am back in London. They will be supporting me as my backline for the gig on Nov 13th at the Borderline when I am supporting Codield on her world tour and album launch. I feel very prvilaged to be working with these two cats and I am looking forward to it immensly... just got to make sure I don't build up too many expectations as these only lead to resentments.
Anyway here is some info on Stuffy and his band of LOSERS! The music is awesome, and they are very talented indeed, however I would say that:
Updated: 15/02/05Stuffy and Jen on getting close and personal at gigs
Stuffy and The Fuses all met while at college 'a dinosaur age ago' but it's only in the last year that they started playing together as a band. Stuffy plays drums and sings, all of which he does standing up. They've just finished recording their new as-yet-untitled album with legendary knob-twiddler Steve Albini. Their new single Where's The Captain? is out now on Wrath Records.
"When I had a cold, my dad called me Stuffy instead of Stevie. It's stuck."
Why did it take so long for you to get together?Stuffy: (vocals/drums) "I wanted Jen (guitar/vocals) to come into the band from the beginning but she said 'no' so I recorded the album and I gave her a copy to give to someone else. But she kept it for herself and then changed her mind and wanted to join the band!"Jen: "I made you beg. And then you made me beg. And then we both got confused. But here we are..."
Obviously Stuffy isn't your real name...S: "Stuffy is my nickname - I've had it since I was a little fella. When I had a cold, my dad called me Stuffy instead of Stevie. It's stuck. Do I get a lot of bad colds? Not really. I did have Whooping Cough once and that was thoroughly enjoyable. It is good for the sympathy vote. I'm a typical bloke, whinging and saying that I'm dying. Being stuffy, I feel stuffy every day."J: "I never feel stuffy if I can help it..."
Hey! And what about that "Sex on da Beach" man?
that's why I looked into this blog !!???
Hi, must say I am a bit dissapointed cause it takes ages 4 a new post is done let alone the lack of comment, nada, niks, nothing.
Maybe this will give a reason to Post or Comment?
On the toilet now and run out of toiletpaper.
Anyone there?
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