This is young Gabriel Hampton Blackadder who is my youngest fan and at the rather tender age of 7 months has already ready been to 3 David Patrick Carter gigs, more than some of my blood relations. This kid is very cool, he's got balls and is not scared to say what he thinks to who ever he has in his life which again is an attitude I am attempting to replace with humility however it is not as easy as I would have hoped.
Life has gone on after my birthday bash however the discussions have continued, and I am very aware that I have hurt some people who I am very found of and I am sorry for doing so, however I do believe that some good will come out of the birthday blog in the long run.
The bad news is that the gig in London on Nov 13th has been postponed, and the good news is that my work up in the Alps ahs now been confirmed and I will be playing live in Chamonix and the surrounding areas for 5 months. To be honest I can't wait!
Spain is quiet and as a performer who likes to sing my own material it is very tough work. The audiences want to hear what they are familiar with. Except for ofcourse young Gabriel as he loves my music and the other thousands of fans who have been logging on to find out what happens next?
Well the answer to that is simple. I fly to London Nov 11th to sort out a few things and I do have a gig on Nov 16th and then I go the the Alps in early Decemeber with gigs to be lined up when I get there. I have also been asked by my good friend Hans if I would like to go and do a week full of shows in Holland, and by my friend Tina who has suggested that she might take me to LA...
so things are happening, however for me I am just going to take one day a at a time and not plan to far ahead into the future. I will have my laptop in the mountains and constant access to the internet, so I will be online and alive. I hope to start writing some new material again soon and then recording. The fresh air and snow in the mountains will help with that.
Until next time.
First I wanted you to invite you to play some gigs in Colombia, but seeing u r getting busy again I skip that, besides.....
Anyway, I wish you all the best there in France my friend and if I /We can, we sure come and visit you.
yeah man lets do columbia, what a relapse!
Great man, well on Google Earth I already lined up our trip towards it, really looking forward to it, but must say, its a long, long line.
Oh and I also found a guide for us, his name is Charly, him and his lovely wife, Mandy, will lead us the way.
What a ride that will be, Great man.
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