Before that I need to clean floors, fix doors, wash plates, light fires and get some sleep. I have been here for almost two weeks and I am yet to get to a meeting. There is on Weds night 5 mins down the road, the meeting is in French, and I am meant to be driving to Geneva for th evening, I think its time to come clean to my manger and just tell her that I am in recovery and I need to get to a meeting, its the next right thing to do.
I have not played live yet. I beleive my first gig in Le Fayet will be next week and I have been invited to play in another valley which is nearly 3 hours away. As I do not have a car I will have to get the train and ask someone to pick me up from the train station on the other side of Mount Blanc. The gig is at No Comment, worth 200 Euros and i think they expect me to play for 3 hours or something...! Well we will have to wait and see.
I did go to a jam session in Chamonix and it was feeking terrible, plus there is opportunites at The Bear, The Liquid Lounge and The Munster, so within a week lots of doors have opened up to play music and don´t forget to sign up online for a free MP3.
Strange- that toilet is very simular to this one
So you didnt really clean that one did you?
If it's any use, there's a lush little Hawaiian/burlseque themed bar venue in Geneva called Tiki's Pub, possibly a bit edgy for your stuff (it's run by punkers) but definitely worth chucking some music at - if nothing else they have regular open-mics.
The guy who runs it, Luke, is brilliant, really nice.
all toilets look the same to me? is that racism?
We should flush out all racists!
Agree with blognostic, tikis is cool!
La Bretelle in geneva also does live ents i think. Have you tried Le Tof in Cham?
You would probably go down a treat at either, hope the next gig goes well and comes soon!
next gig coming up on friday at in Le Fayet and lots opening up for me as I have another booking for Tuesday and Weds of next week, plus a booking for the entire winter at the Bear in Le Fayet... need more musicians to play with, so get in touch if you fancy playing looking for bass and drums initially.
reasons for humility .. .
1. you make your own decisions.not your children.not the people you love or who have loved you.not the people you know or have become your friends.not your family or those that you consider your family.
2.you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to punish those people, in public,and for all to see, by publishing your PERSONAL deepest, darkest thoughts. this is SELFISH.
3. i include your children in this as you are talking about prostitutes, drug-taking, personal abuse, failure, humiliation. Your kids are going to read about this! pull yourself together, man. D.I.G.N.I.T.Y. your kids will read this colossal crap and you have NO excuse.
4.YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD. humility was one of his most important teachings and (please read your own blog for confirmation)you have no humility.anyone and i mean anyone can read the egotistical crap you have written and understand that you are extremely selfish and criminal in your misunderstanding of what it means to be "well". you are mean spirited. the way that you talk about other people (nina-k who ever the fuck that is) is awwwwwwwful!
5. your music is amateurish at best. BE REAL, DAVE. YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD AND BAD? Do you sound like Damien Rice? LISTEN TO YOUR LYRICS? Do you really have a future as a musician??The answer is no. An overwhelming no. You are in France now as a schalet ( spelt wrong) boy. Gettttttttttttttt outtttttttttttttttttt!!!!
6. i want to help you but your arrogance appals me!
to conclude (because i am bored trying to help your sorry, arrogant, self-centred, self-appreciative, arrogant assssssss)
if you would like to really get better, i would help you.
my home is yours.
i have a spare bedroom.
i am, unfortunately,
still your friend.
i have THICK skin. punchable, and i am possbly unbeatble in a fight.
and i have taken more drugs than you.
and i am stronger than you, and totally unafraid of you or any man. i have to deal with terror every day the likes of which you have NO comprehension.
i would do it for 1 reason and 1 reason only.
for your kids.
p.s. this never ends. you want to put up some fuckin pussy blog where you want to confess to all the pathetic things you ever did whilst high?pusssssssy!!!!
this is my new hobby!
you have kidssssssssssss!!
kidddddsssssss who read!
prostitutes versus kids equals shut your fucking mouth you fucking cock!!
"The question i would like to leave with you is simple. Should I be giving away my music online for free? Please let me know your thoughts."
"I have stumbled across a young man called Tom Williams who is making some great music and I would suggest that you take some time out to listen as this guy is one for the future, he gives away all his music for free online and some of it is great:"
who the fuck are you to talk about music in such a way? who do you think you are? damien rice? where are you? living the life of damien rice, no doubt?you have his money and talent therefore you must be?
damien rice has talent. huggggge talent. he sings from the heart but with the cold hearted, calculative mind of 1 in a million. you cannot write like this. you are not clever enough.
no.no,no.mo.you have no heart.nooooooooo
Wow... not sure who left these latest additions to the blog and there is a lot of anger there... I wish you luck you your journey who ever you may be...
I will take some time to think about what has been written and I will respond...
Its all great stuff and these issues are to be learnt from, I look forward to the journey.
hahaha - shit the bed mate you are such a tool, your kids are going to proper hate you and you will probably never leave cham. There are loads of you there, people who went to 'discover' or 'heal' themselves. They were and are ALL hiding from the real world. I don't think it is artistic. i don't think it is justified. i think it is cowardice.
Crispin, do we know each other?
When there is such anger it is only the ego that is crying out in pain not one´s true self... why so much anger re the blog?
Its great to get a reaction, it is wonderfull to try and understand the pain of others... this only reflects my own defects.
Fortunately the Alps are a magical place. The air is clean, and the powder is fresh, I am grateful to be here.
I will at some point today once I have a break from cleaning toilets and fixing doors I will repsond.
no we don't know each other - i was blog surfing cham this morning with a massive hangover which is why you got a burst of hate. I wasn't angry - don't bother responding. you sort yourself out whatever way you see fit fella
good luck
ice climbing is good for introspection and focus
Well then Hi Crispin Reed how are you? Hows you hang over, better I hope... When I used to drink I also used to project my anger onto other people... never my children fortunately, I was relieved of that particular anxiety. And thanks for the advice I have never been rock/ice climbing however my freind Mike does a lot of it and loves it. However I am going to concentrate on snowboarding and playing music for my enjoyment. I am not searching for anything out in Chamonix as I did all my searching in South Africa when I was in REHAB for 10 months getting myself clean. Now I am just living my life. Hope you keep in touch Crispin.
All the best.
aaa. David. Great to hear you are doing so well. Keeps me clean. Keeps me hopeful. Life is still good down here in the Cape. Its a very hot summer this year. Life is full of shit and full of miracles as usual... As it should be - the only way i learn and the only way I stay thankful.
Keeps me warm inside knowing Im not alone. Keep up all the good work you're doing on the inside. Thats all that matters. Comments below are not worth responding to. Other peoples opinions of us are none of our business anyway~ oh the freedom :)
Hey Mr.Snowboarder...what about a new blog, its been 1 week now and I think me and others can´t wait about your story with the Hollywoon movie and the Radio item. So come on, don´t be like that (lol) and write a new one about those topics! Thks bro
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