I have never met Sofia Smallstorm in person, having only spoken to her via the internet. We have however, engaged on numerous occasions and during these conversations and I have come to the conclusion, probably wrongly, that Sofia Smallstorm is arguably one of the most fascinating minds I have ever engaged with.
All you need is Love and Rock'n'Roll by Herschel 36 on Just Finish It Records.
Over the past few months I have asked question after question and waited patiently for days at times for the answers. The answers always seem to come, if sometimes slightly later than expected. Below are some of the questions and answers I have received from Sofia Smallstorm.
The question that needs asking is bigger than most. Smallstorm quite small in stature, seems to have an answer for all the questions that make you and I, scratch our heads in disbelief.
What on earth is going on with this planet that we live on? Everything thing feels as if it is an illusion, do we really only need Love and Rock’n’Roll to get through to the next dimension?
Below is a full interview with Sofia Smallstorm
When I was a kid I never really felt I fitted in to this place that we call home; Planet Earth. Not knowing why I did not fit into the social norms, I bounced around for years yearning to be seen, heard and accepted. I grew up in a Christian family of 5 boys in the south of England, in the county of Hampshire. I hated my middle class experience and yet was relatively happy and treated well by both parents, they loved me the best they could. Sadly The Church loved me in a different way before I reached puberty.
In recent years I have woken to the truth that the human race is being programmed from start to finish, by forces that can not be seen, touched nor monitored. The Control System, The Matrix, The Shadow Government, is grooming the way we look, the way we act, we way we feel, and now the way that we reproduce. I know, its hard to believe, but every thought you have ever had has been given to you, and now you have a chance to wake from your slumber but do you have the courage to open your eyes?
In recent years I have woken to the truth that the human race is being programmed from start to finish, by forces that can not be seen, touched nor monitored. The Control System, The Matrix, The Shadow Government, is grooming the way we look, the way we act, we way we feel, and now the way that we reproduce. I know, its hard to believe, but every thought you have ever had has been given to you, and now you have a chance to wake from your slumber but do you have the courage to open your eyes?
The elite use many tools for their programming. Vaccines, chem-trails, 911-esq false flags, Sandy Hook-esq shootings, and now with the advance of the transgendered global conversation, the human race is being pushed towards The Singularity via Transhumanism.
Ray Kurzweil is one of front men for this part of the global agenda and He believes that we, the human race, will have reached the point of no return by the date of 2045.
Smallstorm states we should all watch the film by Aaron Franz, The Age of Transitions. I have not watched it YET, there is not enough time in the day to keep up with the way this woman’s mind works, information, content, more dialogue. My conversation with Sofia is an endless stream of reality TV and awakening consciousness. As a conceptual artist, my only regret is not meeting this huge woman at an earlier stage of my life, I strongly believe she could have single handily opened my visual art to reaches beyond my current perception.
However hold on guys, this blog is not for the light hearted, Smallstorm is an ego-whacking-chemtrail-vaccine-anti-socialite, she does not mince her words. She claims that the change in humanity starts within the immune system, via the chemicals in the air and toxics in the water. She quotes from The Clifford Carnicom school of thinking and believes in The Schumann Resonances.
For anyone who is new to my blog I state very clearly, you have to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH or simply DYOR. My great mate JC in Dublin believed DYOR was a stock to be bought on the exchange, sadly this is not the case.
When Smallstorm talks to you, through a veil of sarcasm and wit, be warned, you need to keep up with her constant stream of content by asking WTF is this power house a feminine sexuality talking about? She is about to blow your mind wide open and you may never be the same, you are now entering a point in your life you might just regret, do you want the blue or the red pill?
When Smallstorm talks to you, through a veil of sarcasm and wit, be warned, you need to keep up with her constant stream of content by asking WTF is this power house a feminine sexuality talking about? She is about to blow your mind wide open and you may never be the same, you are now entering a point in your life you might just regret, do you want the blue or the red pill?
She states, radio active frequencies, i.e. your Wifi, mobile phone and smart devices, are designed to change the biological set up of your body. The water and the plastics have feminising chemicals in them and this is why we are witnessing an explosion of homosexuality in our communities. The chemicals, according to Smallstorm, are in the shampoo we use every day and in the plastics we buy from the supermarkets.
One of Smallstorm's key topics of discovery is transgenderism, she focusses on the superstar role model Bruce Jenner, which she calls The Bruce Jenner Phenom.
I am now quoting directly from Sofia Smallstorm’s blog, www.aboutthesky.com.
“A friend said recently, "When you told me they were pushing the whole transgender thing, I didn't believe you. But now ..." And yes, it's true. Said Bruce in his long-awaited two-hour interview with Diane Sawyer: "What I'm doing is going to do some good. What I'm doing is going to change the world. There are so many out there like me." The announcer: An estimated 700,000 transgender Americans all around us. Jenner: "Bruce lives a lie. SHE is not a lie." No, I'm not gay. I've never been with a guy. Apparently, Jenner began his sex change back in the 1980s, when he was prescribed female hormones and took them for five years until he "lost his nerve" and stopped. He had a rhinoplasty back then to reduce his nose, as well as electrolysis to remove his chest and facial hair.
This is modeling, remember that. Jenner was the World's No. 1 Athlete, leaping across cereal boxes when we were growing up, and now he may be on cereal boxes as the world's Most Famous Trannie. Is this coincidence? We know our culture follows its own wild movie script, so why wouldn't Superman decide to become a woman? Why is the transgender thing so big now? Where are all these people coming from?
Our environment is rife with manmade chemicals that are estrogen mimickers. Boys in the womb are getting bombarded with xeno-estrogen overdose, and thus may be coming out as incomplete males. The job of the Y chromosome is to form the male baby from what is essentially a female embryo until the seventh week of pregnancy. With too much prenatal estrogen (e.g, if the mother's body is full of phthalates and artificial/chemical estrogens), the job of making a full male may not be finished. The Disappearing Male is a Canadian documentary made for TV over a decade ago, from which we learn that male babies are being miscarried at very high rates due to unnatural chemical interference, and we are also seeing an abnormal number of hermaphrodite babies being born (sexual characteristics of both genders). Everyone is aware of the current male homosexual boom: Is this because of too much estrogen in the womb?
Phthalates are chemicals that enhance the properties of polymers, making them hard or soft. They are endocrine disrupters, with serious effects on our reproductive systems due to their molecular similarity to estrogen. The body is essentially "biochemically blind," in that it often cannot differentiate between similarly shaped molecules. (Example: Our cells thrive on iodine, but are fooled by the molecular shape and mass of fluoride, bromine and chlorine, which are prevalent now in everyday life; thus our iodine receptors are taking up these very toxic chemicals instead of iodine, which has been lost to us, and we are in trouble because of it.
My prediction: The Jenner Phenomenon has been scripted. Watch the commentary on TV and you will hear about all the celebrity support for Jenner, how courageous he is, how he must have unconditional love, once a champion always a champion, don't live a lie. The new cultural mantra will be (this is my prediction): Your life is a lie until you renounce your gender. How 'bout that?”
Jenner was an Olympic Athlete. He won the Gold Medal in the Decathlon. He was in every USSA household and his face was on every consumer product rocking up in the 1970’s. He was then introduced to the take-away socialites as the Step-Dad in the reproduced post modern garbage bag called Keeping up with The Khardashians. A fly on wall documentary watching the lives of a manipulated half cast family in the USSA, it is very distasteful and incredibly popular with the young and old sheeple worldwide.
Then came the big news that Bruce wanted to become a woman, and the viewer watched this global hero turn into a woman right before their own eyes, this is normalisation of the abnormal. We are witnessing the growth of the transgendered discussion even though the community is less than 1% of the global population. It is strongly rumoured that Barak Obama is gay and Michele Obama is trans-gendered. I am not saying this is the case, 100%, however I would not put it passed the powers that be to pull the wool over our eyes once again, after all Politics, Hollywood for ugly people.
The transformation of the way the young are starting to think has moved on from gender choice to an illusion of choice. Daniella Two Spirits is an example, and can be found on the television programme Botched, which is about two Jewish plastic surgeons who deal with social and facial transformation. There is a reason I no longer own a TV.
Daniela Two Spirits, “I was born a baby and socialised into a male” the Elite are gender blurring, Daniela, she is now known as a Gender-Bot, Gender-Robot.
The make up of a common household is as follows; single parent, dominated by the TV, wireless radiation from the smart meter to the Wifi. The radiation is sterilising our children, whilst we are being programmed to accept a gender-less society in which the central government controls the birthing pool, children being born in a laboratory and ultimately a gender-less population.
Is this a future that needs us? Is this a future you want to be part of?
Is this a future that needs us? Is this a future you want to be part of?
Kurzweil states very clearly “The Future does not need us”. Transhumanism is the new word for Eugenics which morphed into Planned Parenthood in the USSA in the 70's. The population is being redesigned by default, and Keanu Reeves is leading us through the vortex into The Matrix, we seem to be living in a Sci-Fi Movie.
Which pill do you want to take the red pill or the blue bill, be aware all that is on offer is the truth?
Death is normalised by Hollywood and the children are led blindly by the leading brands like Playstation and Apple. My 14 year old son plays a game called Black Ops 2 on his playstation in which he is a trained assin in Yemen, whilst the county is being bombed. This game came out on the market at least 4 years ago and here we are sitting back whilst our Allies, Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen in real day to day life, in between chopping heads off and forcing women into partial slavery.
What have you got to say about that Hitlary Clinton?
What have you got to say about that Hitlary Clinton?
This normalisation of cultural thinking is nothing new. As a kid all the girls had barbie dolls, yet today we see the extension of this narcism. Women seem to be angry about the men not fulfilling their expectations and the men struggle to find themselves, some even want to become the apple of the social eye within their personal global twitter and facebook networks. We seem to live via our iPhones and androids.
There are even people on this planet who use plastic surgery to look like Ken Doll. Plastic surgery and human molding allows the individual to become whoever they want to be, some want to be a human doll, others want to have huge body parts.
Please, someone tell me what is going on? Is this a planet at all? It feels like a test lab for some higher form of consciousness?
There are even people on this planet who use plastic surgery to look like Ken Doll. Plastic surgery and human molding allows the individual to become whoever they want to be, some want to be a human doll, others want to have huge body parts.
Please, someone tell me what is going on? Is this a planet at all? It feels like a test lab for some higher form of consciousness?
I suggest anyone who is new to the topic of conspiracy, watch the film They Live. There is enough time left to do something about the change that is taking place to us all. From personal perspective Smallstorm has some suggestions, Iodine, The G Seat, natural sun screen and home made toothpaste.
Visits Smallstorm's online store by clinking on this link.
Visits Smallstorm's online store by clinking on this link.
To date, my journey with Smallstorm, which seemingly has only just begun, has led me to learn more than I bargained for. I suggest you reach out to her if you have any questions. Be warned Smallstorm does not suffer fools gladly, I am surprised I have got as far as I have to be honest.
To you Sofia. You are a brave warrior of the truth and an incredible mind, thank you for being you, and never ever change.
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