What a day! I am completely blown away. I have never been in such conditions and the riding was completely amazing. I have the most rubbish snow board, it was a reject from the top floor of Le Terminus, the bindings don´t work and the edges are shot. However I love the board as it makes me feel like a real ski bum, form one ride to the next, bring it on.
Things are moving forward for me, I played for the first time in Le Terminus and the gig went well. I set up in the corner of the bar with Christmas lights littered over my equipment and the DI straight out of the AER Compact 60 into the house system for surround sound. The Audience was 40 strong and the response was great. I have a customer base here and we have 1000 CD´s being sent over from the US of some of my best tracks titled “Introducing David Patrick Carter”.
On another bright note I have hooked up with Tom Storer again as we work out the best way to deliver the next album, “A Millionaires Playground” and I have the Protools Mbox on its way out of London so I can start recording here in the Alps. Latter today I start rehearsing with a French drummer called Guillame and a bass player who I am yet to meet, and I now have in my possession a ski pass.
Things get better and better, as French Nathalie is very hot indeed!
Starstruck has been making some waves in the US. We have a feature in Skope, we are short listed for a score in an independent feature length film, 5000 Seconds and we have airtime on Band Radio Live. The world is starting to change, we just need to keep on embracing change and loving the ride.
“Hello David Good music mate. Jools Lovebox”
“Beautiful singing! Congratulations! We REALLY like your music! We're still deliberating and will have an answer for you as soon as we can. Thanks for your submission and patience! 5000 Seconds”
Hi David,
I love to hear that things are going well for you David. I think you have guts, if it was me writing blogs and having soooooooooo much cristism about my truth at that particular moment, i would probably delete the whole lot!!
So keep writing those blogs, keep those songs coming because you DO have a great talent . I wish you a wonderful Christmas with lots of love, joy and laughter.
Big x Nathalie-not the French one :) !!!-
thanks for leaving a comment... if you let me know what your email address I would love to send you a free MP3 for Xmas...
and if you are not the French Nathalie then which Nathalie are You?
And it really is none of my business what other people think of me, life is so much easier this way.
Have a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year.
Hi buddy, good to see ur going forward and forward and down on the snowboard(lol) Just a technical note, when u add "links" in ur blog, make sure to put http:// infront of the www. That way, the links really work hehe. FYI Iñve update your last post. tc buddy!
thank god for nathalie's honesty and constructive critiscism.thank you nathalie . . .i have followed this blog from afar and know that nat meant the best when she was honest.being honest is close to god and i think dave is close. dave is really close.should we be bent or carragher on.there's a hundred points between all of us but we are only a game away from unity.i favour the old portugeuse saying . . ."I am the best!" and it's good to buy the best.and i buy into that with all the money i have. boxing day predictions??? dave will have a good day in France. and we will all be singing, weaving around the room, weavers a man to a tee. a hee, hee.
Hi Dave, I just recieved the brilliant Starstruck via email as i signed up for the release on yur website and I wanted to know if you would send me the lyrics and let me know the meaning behind the track. Its brilliant. I love the song it picks me up and makes me think, a bit like Jack Johnson... Keep going pal and don´t listen to the negativity out there, that´s their shit.
ps let me know when the album is out?
they say the writings on the wall
i'll teach my children to think big rather than small
they say that nothing can be done
i'd rather learn to walk so latter I can run
almost didnt make it
years I lost my way
almost didnt make it to this place at this time lost my love found my life
I'd like to strike a match in you
light up the universe so you can see the view
how can you say that this is wrong
as you were born to live and live the way that you were born
I was Starstruck and dazed
when I got cold cold drunk
and now Im sober for many reasons that I just wont illuminate
yeah i was Starstruck and dazed when I got cold cold drunk
Imagine nothing can be done
10,000 angels crying toppled one by one
I do believe that there is hope
we'll find the love we need we'll find this love so we can cope
I started wirting this track in a converted crack den in Cape Town, I was in Rehab. After playing one of my favourite Beatles tracks Ácross the universe´i pick up the riff and came up with the opening line. At the time I was preparing to leave South Africa to fly to Spain to visit my two children for Christmas. I had not seen them for over 6 months and it was the first time that I was going to have one on one contact with their mother in over 3 years. It was a massive step for me. When I touched down in Spain I picked up the kids and we drove to Granada where we stayed on our own in a hotel for Christmas. Our room over looked a court yard, and as the children would play bouncing up and down on the bed I would play my guitar and sing my songs. It was here that I finished writing Startstruck, or as many people refer to the track Almost didnñt make it... its so true... I almost did not make it. Recovery has given me a second life, and opportunity to see life for what it is, a miracle!
The request by Mike was inputed on my computer whilst I was already logged into Gmail. So we edited this blog, which is something I am against in principle.
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