25 Jan 2009

The lighter side of life

The Savoy, Argentiere

Last night I went out with the gang from Le Terminus and we had a blast. Everyone else got pissed whilst I bounced about to the dance beats at De Repatoire Les Ours in town, it was ace fun. If I am honest I spent most of my time sitting at the bar attempting to get the attention of Nathalie, who has got to go down as one of the most beautiful girls I have ever had the pleasure to chat to, not only on the outside but more importantly on the inside. Anyway enough of my love fantasy.

We had a great night, and the three red bulls I had and 5 cigarettes meant that sleeping was not easy, so when morning came I was not in the best shape. I packed my bags and caught the train for 1 hour and 15 mins past Chamonix to Argentiere. I have got one huge suitcase with me and my snow board as it as my intention to get up on the hill today. When I arrived at the Savoy I was greeted by Marie, who is the Freddie´s sister, and I must say she is also very charming as well. Its great to be finally be meeting some quality women. I am pleased about that.

Anyway, Fred eventually turned up interrupting my conversation with the lovely Marie and we started rehearsing for the apre-ski gig which kicks off in about 4 mins time. I am very happy with the way our relationship has started, as I stated last time we wrote I like Fred, and now I know that he is a cool rick n roll drummer. I am learning on my feet and that´s a great place to be. Here we play covers to please the crowd. So I best run or I will be late for my first gig in the Savoy. I will write and tell you how it went just as soon as I get off stage. Wish me luck.

Ok the gig is over. What a laugh. You know the average punter in apre ski wants to hear the song they have heard a thousand times so they can get pissed and sing along, and you would think by that very description it would be easy. Well I can tell you delivering the content is not easy, its hard fucking work. I started laughing when myself and Freddie played Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison because they whole room started singing along.

Then we had a break and during the break most of the crowd left the bar and the atmosphere had moved from buzzing to dying... Now this scenario really effects me and I find it hard to play on through and gather inspiration from other areas of the universe. I need instant gratification and without an audience I was just just left with playing some cheesy covers with a drummer who I need to groove with rather than a drummer who plays with me. Everything changed in an instance for me, and this is no surprise to me.

Anyway the last song was Angels by Robbie Williams, I don´t know what I choose this track as the last track as it has never worked in the past and there is no reason why it should work this time round, and of´course with that sort of thinking there was only going to be one outcome. I ended attempting the track twice and then giving up on the second round. Yeah that´s right I just gave up. Hilarious. Anyway, the girls, Alex and Leila, who run the place were not overly pleased. The bar takings were down, most the punters had left after a very good start, and then I crumbled like rather well done apple pie.

There are a number of points that I need to consider. The most important is that I feel as if I was a square peg going into a round hole. On the other hand I learning new skills and stepping closer to a place I can call home. Fred is a good guy however I do not like him now as much as I liked him before the gig or even during the half time break. My relationships changed during the second period and the most important change was the relationship I was having with myself. It´s hilarious. And sadly I feel as if that will be the last I see of Marie.

Oh well it was only a kiss!
Oh no it was not a kiss at all. Fred asked me if he should offer me any alcohol or not and I responded by saying that if I was going to have a beer then he should lock away his sister. You should have seen his face. I´m Mr. Brightside. And where is the harm in that?

So how to conclude today´s proceedings. I enjoyed my day and it was great to hang out with Marie, good to play with Fred, however Fred needs to have more balls in my opinion. Or is that me? Leila seems nice and very demanding. And Alex I have no concept of. The bar itself is great I really like it. I can only imagine its a very tough business to be in, very competitive. Fortunately we have some great snow at the moment. Unfortunately I did not ride my board today I never made it up the hill! Oh well, good luck bad luck who knows. My gut instinct is that I will not be making the journey back up to he Savoy to play with Fred. Nor to talk to Marie. Shame that.


Anonymous said...

"Its great to be finally be meeting some quality women. I am pleased about that."

Does this statement give you any clues as to why you're single?

Unknown said...

i don't know... why do you read my blog?

Anonymous said...

I think meeting quality women is just as hard as it is to meet quality men - because "quality" means something different to each and every one of us - depending on what we are looking for in the opposite sex, what we are looking for out of life, etc. etc. I don't think it was an unfair statement at all.

Just a little offended though as I asusme this means you've not met any quality women until now - and I (of course) consider myself a quality woman!

Anyway, enough of that... I just popped in to your blog see how you are and you are doing great (not that I expected any less...)

Unknown said...

to be honest the statement to the girls refer to the the 5 to 1 ratio men to women in Chamonix and in Le Fayet it is an even worse ratio than that... and that´s all. Ofcourse I love the company of women... they are great... and anonymous seems to pop up every now and again just to have a pop... and that´s ok as well... anonymous seems to be upset about something... maybe one day anonymous will say what they are upset about... oh well! good luck bad luck who knows? nice to hear from you Lindsey... I know you are keeping well.