I am a very grateful young man today. Yesterday I lost something and this morning I woke with an idea of where the item I was looking for was, bingo! Have you ever had that happened to You? I prayed last night for some clarity on the subject and the univese answered my prayer, I am relieved to say the least.
When I was in South Africa my personal life was in tatters and the key people in my life were so far away from me emotionally it is hard to really explain the distance. I worked with a guy called Clive Harvey Fox who explained to me that through the use of meditation and visulisation I could bridge the gap between what I had and what I wanted. What I have always wanted in my life is a sense of serenity and love, so I closed my eyes and imagined making peace with myself and those people who are most important to me.
This summer I came to Spain searching for reconciliation and this period of my life has been a huge success. I have re built my relationships with both my young children and a relationship with their mother. We have all grown and walked our own paths however this level of healing could not have been done without the work I put in whilst I was in SA. I have a lot to thank Clive for he is a great man with great wisdom.
A friend of mine from London told me to stop looking for what I was searching for... So I did just that. I believe I am doing that in my life as well. I have always been chasing the dream, what ever that means. Now I am just going to create music without the heavy expetations I have always attached to the process of creativity.
This is the next test, the next lesson in life. Can I assume a position in life where I am happy to accept life on life´s terms without the "riches and praise my ego craves"? Only time will tell, and maybe the snow peacked mountains in the French Alps will aid my recovery and allow me to access a level of thought that I never deemed possible in active addiction.
If you have never heard of Clive Harvey Fox then check out his book Finding My Gift and his website Indigo Man:
The warrior of light is a believer. Because he believes in miracles, miracles begin to happen. Because he is sure that his thoughts can change his life, his life begins to change. Because he is certain he will find love, that love appears. Now and then, he is disappointed. Sometimes he gets hurt. Then he hears people say: ‘He is so ingenuous!†But the warrior knows it is worth it. For every defeat, he has two victories in his favour. All believers know this. Paulo Coelho – Manual of the Warrior of Light
David, you sound very positive and that is amazing! People always cross our path with very good reason, even if we don't always see the reasons straight away, but they always come to light!
I am a strong believer in the proccess of life..and once you accept it, it becomes alot easier.
Needless to say, i am also a HUGE Paulo Coelho fan..if you havent yet, you should read some of his earlier work! Enjoying your blog..
thanks for this comment its nice to know that people are reading the blogs however is anyonebuying any of the music online...?
and why does everyone always leave the comments anonymously?
Anyway its great to be alive
I was clubbing one day and my best friend walked towards me and said:"You look like shit, stop doing drugs." For the first time in my life I listened, and started crying. I went to rehab and I saw him again. He gave me this book, warrior of light (Dutch version). So today my gratitude goes to him, for being brutally honest and initiated a path of change, which saved my life. Nice site and blog Patrick.
Dear S,
or is it Patrick not sure... would like to know man as its great you had the courage to write those words... it seems to be so uncool to be in recovery and drugs are seen as perfectly acceptable, which ofcourse they are, however you and I know the damage that can be caused. WHat really hurts is when I watch loved ones go through the latter stages of active addiction, as I never know if they are going to make it through in one pieve and ofcourse there are always casualties, and it is generally thee kids who get hurt the most.
I know from my own story that my son saw and heard some things that no 2 year old boy should ever get involved with, its just selfish. However i was powerless.
Now I have more responsibilty to temper the way I live my life as I have learnt from my mistakes and I have paid a heavy price. I am lucky. The universe saved me from myself and I am standing here singing my songs, and letting some great things manifest without me lifting a finger, its a miracle.
The hardest thing I have to deal with is co-dependancy and learning to live with me without the aid of any drugs, and main drug is relationships... I need other people to make me feel better about myself, and that is the killer.
Anyway knowledge is a gift and a burden. I could rattle on for hours regarding the topic of Living as a human being or a human doing and I don´t have too much time as I am off to a meeting in Marbella.
Anyway thanks for taking note of the blog and let me know if you get around to listen to the music online.
There is a free MP3 give away all you have to do it is find it.
Thanks S.
David Patrick Carter.
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