Giles played in Chamonix and I organised for a group from the hotel to go and see him spin his music at some club up in the hills. It was a very funny night. The first challenge was to get everyone there in one piece. I was the designated driver as I do not drink, however there were 14 of us and taxis there and back were going to cost us and arm and a leg so we decided to borrow the hotel mini bus. We did this without permission from the big boss and we excursion was much funnier due to our immature approach.
After stealing the van from the car park and over loading the bus with more people than I would have been insured to drive we headed of up the A40. I had not been to a dance party in a very long time, and it was great from the moment we got there to the moment we left. Giles was excellent and I loved dancing to his tunes, everyone else got really pissed however I just enjoyed the music and the atmosphere, the whole night out was great.
On the way back some of the boys opened the rear door and were hanging there legs out as if they were skiing so I had to put a stop to that. I was responsible for everyone in the bus, it was my job to ensure they all got home in one piece. When we returned to the hotel we believed we had got away with stealing the mini bus only to find out in the morning that Charlie had rang Debs almost immediately after we had left telling of our transport solution.
Once we made it back to the hotel the boys in the kitchen plus the rest of us decided to drink what ever through a funnel. Which ended with chocolate sauce being spread all over the kitchen and a mop being used to clean things up only setting off the fire alarm in the process. This was the busiest week of the season and the hotel was completely booked. All the clients were evacuated at 4am, and each client ended our celebration standing in the snow wanting for someone to tell them the fire had been dealt with.
It was hilarious. 14 of the staff are all on final warnings. Including myself.
I must say David that I love reading your blogs they are challenging and witty and I also love your music, all my girlfriends feel the same so keep on doing what your doing...
love Jessica
I would like to second what Jessica has written. We saw you play in Chamonix and you were awesome a real star. Some people give you a hard time however we just want more of you all the time... so keep going you a re a star
andrea XX
I have been following your blog and listening to your music since the start of the year. Keep it up and follow your dreams. You are an inspiration.
I have just been to see Lesbian Vampire Killers and your blog is marginally more entertaining.Although i did find some fluff in my navel?
and what a navel you have... very sexy
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