12 Dec 2008

David Patrick Carter: Cleaning tolilets, Responding to Criticism

David Patrick Carter: Cleaning toliletsThis morning when I picked up my emails in France there were a series of comments that had been left on my blog from the early hours of the morning. The comments will read were very derogative towards my character. My initial reaction was one of pain, my ego was crying out and then as the initial reaction started to fade I could see a positive way to grow today. Here I have an opportunity to examine my motives behind my life and I make some adjustments.

12 December 2008 01:36
Anonymous said... reasons for humility …
2.you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to punish those people, in public,and for all to see, by publishing your PERSONAL deepest, darkest thoughts. this is SELFISH.
3. i include your children in this as you are talking about prostitutes, drug-taking, personal abuse, failure, humiliation. Your kids are going to read about this! pull yourself together, man. D.I.G.N.I.T.Y. your kids will read this colossal crap and you have NO excuse.
4.YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD. humility was one of his most important teachings and (please read your own blog for confirmation)you have no humility.anyone and i mean anyone can read the egotistical crap you have written and understand that you are extremely selfish and criminal in your misunderstanding of what it means to be "well". you are mean spirited. the way that you talk about other people (nina-k who ever the fuck that is) is awwwwwwwful!

Those who forget the past are deemed to repeat it. I am neither ashamed of who I am nor of who I used to be. I strive to become a better person and a loving father. I stand by my decision to be open about my past, and I will not hide behind masks especially for my children. I want them to know who I am not who I want them to believe I am.
I was not rude about Nina K, she is my friend and I admire her. I was making a comment on my relationship with people and with the city of London. London brings out my ego and my ego although necessary will only cause me pain in the long run.

Anonymous said...
5. your music is amateurish at best. BE REAL, DAVE. YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD AND BAD? Do you sound like Damien Rice? LISTEN TO YOUR LYRICS? Do you really have a future as a musician??The answer is no. An overwhelming no. You are in France now as a schalet ( spelt wrong) boy. Gettttttttttttttt outtttttttttttttttttt!!!!
6. i want to help you but your arrogance appals me!
Why so angry? I would be really interested in the tracks of mine you have listened to. I love Damian Rice, and I do not claim to be Damian Rice, I am David Patrick Carter, and thats enough right now. I am also not a Chalet Boy, I am a maintenance man and I provide the entertainment on a Tuesday evening in Le Terminus. More importantly this time last year I was shattered in a Rehab in Cape Town and now I building working relationships, working for a company in the mountains, booking gigs and about to record a brand new album. And for me that´s cool. I´m happy.
12 December 2008 01:47
Anonymous said...
if you would like to really get better, i would help you.
my home is yours.
i have a spare bedroom.
i am, unfortunately,
still your friend.
i have THICK skin. punchable, and i am possibly unbeatble in a fight.
and i have taken more drugs than you.
and i am stronger than you, and totally unafraid of you or any man. i have to deal with terror every day the likes of which you have NO comprehension.
i would do it for 1 reason and 1 reason only.
for your kids.

There is hope in this part of the comment. You state you are still my friend! So we were friends before? That´s great, maybe we can be friends again? So who is this, writing the comments? Does it matter? I don´t reflect the anger any more and that´s great. Everything you say about me, you actually feel about yourself. Thank you for the offer of help, that´s very kind and you just never know when I might be calling for assistance.

So where does this leave me and my blog?
I am still in the same place. I am going to continue to share my thoughts and my experiences on line and I believe that by doing so I am making a difference, maybe not to anyone else, maybe only a difference to my own life. When I write about my life I am taking responsibility for my actions in the past, therefore deleting the power out of my compulsive behaviour. I am walking a path that will help me deal with living and dying in a more positive and serene manner. I am determined not to take ALL of my character defects with me to my next level of conciousness. I live in a broken world, I am broken, I am human, I accept who I am.

Lots of things are changing in my life and next blog I would like to talk about opportunities that are arising for me in the US. I have a song up for a movie, and to celebrate we are giving that particular song away as a free download on line, all we ask for in return is your email address.


Anonymous said...

Hey annonymous, you would make far better use of your energy putting it into something positive rather than being such an out and out shit. Take a look at yourself before you become such an expert on how someone else should live their lives. Or ever hear the phrase if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything say all, try it some time.
Hooper, Spain

Unknown said...

you know I have recieved some lovely messages from people... its great... recovery is not easy and I make mistakes all the time, and I am growing and thats good enough for me, jacob and eloise...

thanks for the massive support

Anonymous said...

I think your doing a great job, especially now ur not asking me all the time stuff to do, hehe, keep it up mate.
Looking forward reading your blog about the US adventure and the radio stuff. Come on, dont sit on ur arse all day, write it! lol
tc buddy

CowboyHolandes said...

Hi David,
as always, good blogs.
I agree that things from the past, if one is ready for it, should not be kept a secret.
Children, although many persons will disagree, DO PERCEIVE a lot of things, said AND unsaid.
The, a bit angry, 'anonymous' commenter was maybe looking in a mirror when writing al his comments.
If you think the road you're on, is the right one, just carry on as you're doing.
If it helps, I think you are going perfect.

See you soon,

Anonymous said...

FAO Hooper re your last line.

"Kelly, Anna, Emily and Nina, I´m sorry, however I am to unwell to even care any more. Its nothing to do with me what you think of me, this is my journey and you are only hitching a ride!"

I suspect Kelly, Anna, Emily and Nina would rather he have said nothing as he didn't have anything nice here really did he?

"And i love those two kids, they break my heart every time, its hard to leave them again, however this is just the way its meant to be right now. Adios!"

I need not even comment on this..

Unknown said...

what you so angry about man? who are you? do we know each other? Its a waste of energy being so angry dude...

we all hitch rides in life, the only reality I have is my own... and my children are my children... I love them and they know that... they love me to

i wish you well my frined.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Being an out and out shit? is difficult. It takes years of practice and i have perfected the art. Dave Patrick Carter's personal rehab on-line, live and for all too see means an awfull lot to me.
I wish him the best and want to see him well and i have more invested in that than most of you.
Dave is not well. He has a long way to go and you people sucking his arse is not going to help.
Dave is publicly going through all the bad things he has done which i want to discourage.I have my reasons.Dave is a good guy and i don't intend to let him down by putting up with this ludicrous pile of tosh that he is writing and pouring forth to total strangers.
Dave is in recovery. If he says it once more i might be sick but he is in "RECOVERY". and that is "COMPLICATED". this is a personal trip. if you have never been an addict then you are just being voyeurs. LEAVE THIS BLOG ALONE. just leave the boy to it. he is poorly and I love him. He has stuff to do. If i am mean it's because i want him to get better and I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO BAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKK! to be honest every single time they go back (88percent success rate for drug rehab). so back the fuck off, stop reading the blog and start stopping.

Unknown said...

Dear Annonymous,
you are hilarious and a brilliant contributor to my blog, rock on dude... by the way do you really think there is an 88% success route from drug rehab... you are have got to be joking? Keep blogging, you are a fruitcake and you most definately are a star.

Anonymous said...

Just a note to the plonker who stated that Dave has not got a future as a musician, who ever this person is they are jealous and deluded. If you have ever heard Dave´s tracks and seen a recent performance, if you knew what you were talking about then you would not be talking so much bullshit... someone´s got your goat buddy and you are too much of a coward to come out and say whats really on your mind... just check out Starstruck its a hit...

Unknown said...

well thanks for that last comment and I would like to remind everyone that we are giving away a free mp3 when you give us your email address...

I would also like to say that all this negative vibe has come to me as a gift... the negativity reminds me of where it is I have come from and how i have grown...

I am blessed and I will continue walking forward, taking risks, and learning to love people, love is the only way foward...