11 Jun 2009


Hello there,

my mate Chris TT has written a piece on the benefits of taking LSD. I would like to say that I would never advise my children to willingly take any drug, although if they decide to when they are older I will not stop them.

I prefer to find a spiritual connection through prayer and meditation, helping other people, and showing love to other people. I can say that I am not very good at any of the above suggestions, although I can say that when I do practise these diciplines in my life, my life improves.

At the end of the day I believe that I am searching to be happy, I mean truly happy. Cars, pretty girls, nice clothes, loads of cash, summer holidays and in the past day to day escapism, the excitment only lasted for a very short time, until my ego kicked in screaming for more of what ever it was I had in the first place. And that´s just me. Thats not my mate Chris, and we each have our own journey.

However if You find yourself using one thing or another to stop the pain? From experience I can tell you there is an answer, all you have to do is ask yourself what you truly want in your life? Do you want to follow the crowd or are you willing to take a chance Jonathan Livingston Seagul style and spread your wings?

There are no stats or scientific results lead by intellectual thought that can really deal with drugs, abuse and the mess I believe the Western World is in at the moment. The only thing I have ever found to answer the ultimate question of how can I be happy? Is to go and help someone else.

So I guess I know what to do next then.


Unknown said...

I have heard you play, and I have downloaded your music, and even tried to order your album from the US, and I want to know when You are coming to Denmark.... we love you here... I have have never taken drugs and I would never tell others one way or another...
Em X

Unknown said...

ps can you send me a signed t´shirt or something like that I am willing to pay?